Services for Families

Family on a walk

Adult day services (ADS) are community-based programs that are designed to meet the needs of functionally and/or cognitively impaired adults through an individual plan of care. These structured, comprehensive programs provide a variety of health, social, and other related adult and senior care services. Therapeutic and rehabilitative services are provided as needed under medical and nursing supervision.

Adult day services centers offer a safe, protective environment for individuals who are unable to remain alone or unable to care for themselves. We give families the peace of mind to continue with their busy lives, while providing the support necessary to keep aging parents, health impaired spouses, or disabled family members in their homes.

Centers may be free standing or part of a larger organization such as a hospital, long term care facility, or senior citizen apartment building. The centers also vary in size from a licensed capacity of 20 to over 150. Hours and days of operation also vary. Centers are open at least five days per week and many are open six or seven days per week. In Maryland, Adult Day Centers are licensed by the Department of Health and Mental Hygiene, Office of Health Care Quality.

Services Offered

When considering placement, check with the individual center for a full list of services they provide.

Transportation – provided between the participant’s residence and the center.

Recreational Therapy – activities to stimulate cognition include: individual and group activities; daily exercise; hobbies; and community outings.

Nursing – coordination with personal physician to provide health monitoring by a registered nurse and medication administration.

Personal Care – assistance with mobility, dressing, bathing, toileting, and eating.

Rehabilitation Therapy – Physical, Occupational and Speech Therapy is available.

Social Work Services – coordination of services by a licensed social worker; referrals to community resources and support groups.

Nutrition – nutritious meals, as well as nourishing snacks, are provided. Special diets are available.

Emergency Services - Staff are trained in first aid and CPR.

How Much Do Medical Day Care Services Cost?

One day of services is approximately $85 to $110. This is much less than the cost of a home health aide at $18 to $22 per hour. Individual centers will discuss their fees and payment options with you.

Payment Options - There are a variety of payment sources for Adult Day Health Services.

  1. Self-pay
  2. Long Term Care Insurance
  3. Maryland Older Adult Waiver
  4. Senior Care Funding - Department of Aging
  5. Veterans Administration
  6. Maryland Medicaid - Maryland Medical Assistance (Medicaid - Title XIX) pays for those persons who qualify. Medicare does not cover adult day services.


How Can My Family Access Services?

Contact the ADS center of your choice to speak with the case manager or the individual responsible for admissions.  This person will be able to provide detailed information on their center, the services provided, details of the admission process, as well as assist with determining which funding source, if any, is applicable.

If the potential client is on Medical Assistance, an evaluation will have to be completed by Adult Evaluation and Review Services (AERS), which is a division of local health departments, to determine eligibility.  Potential clients, their relatives, staff from agencies, or any concerned individual can submit a referral for an AERS assessment to be completed to determine the level of care.  Referrals are accepted by telephone (410-819-5640), fax (410-819-5660), mail or in person.  If eligible, Medical Assistance may pay for up to seven (7) days per week.

Potential clients eligible for funding through Veterans Administration (VA) would need to contact their VA social worker for assistance with getting set up for adult day services.  The VA will pay for up to seven (7) days per week.

Search for a Maryland Adult Day Care


What is Adult Medical Day Care?