MAADS is proactive on public policy issues. Through our affiliation with the LifeSpan Network, MAADS has access to experienced lobbyists. MAADS Board members interact with legislators to advocate on behalf of the providers, the clients we serve, and the programs we operate. MAADS offers support and encourages members to engage in grassroots programs.
MAADS holds an annual Legislative Day each year where members visit legislators in Annapolis to share issues affecting the industry. Throughout the year, members invite legislators to visit their centers and to get to know what adult medical day cares provide.
Adult medical day provides door to door transportation, nutritious meals and snacks, engaging activities, nursing care and supervision. It is the most cost effective form of long term care in Maryland that provides daily impact on the lives of its vulnerable participants. Supporting medical day care supports fragile adults needing nursing care daily without spending the cost of the nursing home or assisted living facility.
Primary funding comes from Medicaid and is fixed. Legislators can support medical day care by visiting centers and supporting medicaid funding for adult medical day care.
Legislators, be sure to reach out to the center closest to you to show your support for medical day.